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Re: [dvd-discuss] Re: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001 17:03:38 -0400 (EDT), Scott A Crosby wrote:

>> In either case, it seems unrealistic to assume that the government can
>> regulate this effectively.  Will the government create their own
>> security standard for each protocol, service, application, computing
>> architecture, ... or will it simply order the use of standards
>Utterly unreasonable. Which is one indication why the law probably isn't
>intended to do this.  If it is, then it would require that all PC's
>could not be controlled by the users.. To 'protect' users from
>accidently sending any data they didn't mean to, to disallow them from
>writing their own programs, or running 'unauthorized' applications
>written by others, which could potentially cost privacy. So at the
>minimum, you'd need an application registry, and you could run no
>applications not in that registry.
>With automatic update, they could ban any 'copyright infringing
>technology' any time they wanted, they can also keep any 'untrusted' code
>out of the kernel.

Might this all come unraveled is in a sea of firmware updates?
Which of course will be hacked.

I'm assuming everybody's PC will have to be put in promiscuous mode
for easy updating by Big Bro. Will we also be issued lobotomies for
safety sake?

What happens when Big Bro trashes a year of invoices?
