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Re: [dvd-discuss] Fwd: Bush taps Clarke as CyberdefenseChief

On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 01:46:46PM -0700, Michael.A.Rolenz@aero.org wrote:
> Now Betty, who is my mother, uses a mac. WRT to your Aunt Betty not 
> demanding something better, what's the alternative for the PC? Microsoft 
> has a monopoly.....and the government isn't doing much about it right now 
> other than letting microsoft screw around and waste time.

my mom is a happy Linux user. she got one of those "internet" courses
once, which was of course held on windows. she had been using Linux for
a few weeks then.
she came back saying "thanks for installing me Linux. I don't like that
windows thing."

so much for the old myth that windows is newbie-friendly and Linux is
not. marketing myths, all of it.

-- http://web.lemuria.org