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Re: [dvd-discuss] News on 2600 vs MPAA?

At 05:46 PM 11/1/2001 -0800, Bryan Taylor wrote:
>We're just waiting. As I recall the 9th Circuit took a year to decide
>Bernstein, so I don't think it's that abnormal.

Particularly since the Second was closed for a few weeks after Sept. 11.

>--- Daniel Richards <kyhwana@world-net.co.nz> wrote:
> > Wasn't there supposed to be a ruling from the appeals court several months
> > ago?
> > What happened to this, does anyone have any news?

James S. Tyre                               mailto:jstyre@jstyre.com
Law Offices of James S. Tyre          310-839-4114/310-839-4602(fax)
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512               Culver City, CA 90230-4969
Co-founder, The Censorware Project             http://censorware.net