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Re: [dvd-discuss] Cross post of my own work on a DRM committe...
- To: dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu
- Subject: Re: [dvd-discuss] Cross post of my own work on a DRM committe...
- From: "Michael A Rolenz" <Michael.A.Rolenz(at)aero.org>
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:38:43 -0800
- Reply-To: dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu
- Sender: owner-dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu
send copy of (Ganssle?) 1 April story on write only memory and p-doped
bolonium to MPAA : ATTN - J.Valenti, RIAA, SDMI etc suggest industry
funding required.
Ole Craig <olc@cs.umass.edu>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
11/20/01 10:59 AM
Please respond to dvd-discuss
To: <dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: [dvd-discuss] Cross post of my own work on a DRM committe...
Hail the Zoo, a lone voice of reason and pragmatism in
world of silicon (sillycon?) engineering management!
A few nitpicks:
1. s/Skylarov/Sklyarov/g
2. s/evenevitable/inevitable/g
and 3 (the reason I'm actually sending this, since IMO
nitpicks are not usually worth the electrons they're carried by -- but
in this case the typo directly inverts the meaning of what you were
trying to say):
On 11/20/01 at 11:13, 'twas brillig and John Zulauf scrobe:
> Finally, we are starting to see the market reject these "end-to-end"
> schemes, with the websites and mass returns of the Cactus Shield CD's in
> Europe (and replacements with clean copies) (see
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/22917.html ) -- best we
> mercifully kill the "we can control what is in the hands of the user
> (post-first-sale)" myth, and let the industry get on with the business
> of finding business models that can be achieved with resorting to
> unobtainium and "p-doped bolonium" semiconductors (from a April 1, story
> on write-only memory).
Ole Craig * olc@cs.umass.edu * UNIX; postmaster, news, web; SGI martyr *
CS Computing Facility, UMass * <www.cs.umass.edu/~olc/> for public key
perl -e 'print$i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'