The whole thing is too bizarre. EU Directives follow DMCA. CSS does nothing to verify the authenticity of the DVD. It is a red herring as far as IP in the DVD is concerned. The real point is that the law (DMCA) was not thought-out properly and the judge in the 321 case followed precedent. Carl Calvert MSc(Oxon) MA MRICS MBCS PgDLaw FRIN Chartered Land Surveyor and Expert Witness on Boundaries and Rights of Way Calvert Consulting, 4 Buckland Gardens Calmore SOUTHAMPTON SO40 2SB UK tel/fax +44 (0)23 8086 4643 mobile +44 (0)7736 217 128 This E mail and its attachments are solely for the use of the intended recipient. It may contain legally privileged and or confidential information. If you have received this in error you must take no action based on any or all of the E mail or attachment. You must not copy nor communicate any part or all of them to anyone. Please notify me immediately in the above case and then delete this communication. Although I have used best endeavours the E Mail and attachments are not guaranteed virus free and the recipient, following good IT practice, should ensure that they are actually virus free. |