Taming Multiplicity in the Post-Print Era: Law Librarians, Legal Scholarship, and Access to the Law
Richard A. Danner, Senior Associate Dean for Information Services and Archibald C. and Frances Fulk Rufty Research Professor Of Law at Duke Law School
Professor Richard Danner has been at the forefront of the open access to legal scholarship movement and has also recently written about the role of academic law librarians in supporting faculty scholarship. He discusses "Taming Multiplicity in the Post-Print Era: Law Librarians, Legal Scholarship, and Access to the Law".
See the following for examples of his scholarship that might be of interest:
- http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/faculty_scholarship/2071/
- http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/working_papers/1/
- http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/faculty_scholarship/1698/