The Why in DIY Book Scanning
Daniel Reetz, founder and steward of the DIY Book Scanner community
Tuesday, March 23, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor
The DIY Book Scanner community (founded in June 2009) has produced a diverse ecosystem of book scanning hardware and software to address a wide range of human needs, both domestically and internationally. Daniel will motivate these efforts with case studies from the community, and hope to foster discussion on the future of digital books in light of these unmet needs.
Daniel will be bringing and demonstrating how scanner works at this lunch talk.
About Daniel
Daniel Reetz is an artist and a Ph.D student studying visual neuroscience. Since 2003 He has been employed as an artist and as a researcher at the intersection of those interests, working on NIH, NSF, and US D.o.Ed funded projects.
He recently developed a high-speed book scanning system using open source technology, cheap cameras, and garbage. This free and open scanner design won the Epilog Grand Challenge, has been featured in Wired, and is now being improved and instantiated by a group of over 300 DIY'ers who believe that the future of digital books is too important to be decided solely by corporate interests...