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Geopolitics of Internet Infrastructure

Geopolitics of Internet Infrastructure

James Cowie, Renesys Corporation

Tuesday, November 1, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor

The growth of the global Internet is still determined, in large part, by local factors: geography, politics, and the economics of interconnection and competition.    We'll examine the paths along which Internet traffic flows, focusing on the emerging markets of the Middle East and Central Asia.   We'll discuss ways in which the evolution of these paths dictates the choices available to information consumers, and the costs they must pay to interconnect with global information markets.    A lot is at stake, as the countries that emerge as Middle Eastern regional transit hubs will play a significant role in the evolution of the region's post-oil information economy.

About James

James Cowie is the Chief Technology Officer at Renesys Corporation.

He has more than 15 years entrepreneurial and software development experience in high performance computing, network modeling and simulation, Internet infrastructure mapping, and Internet security. He is currently a member of the NANOG Program Committee.

His recent work at Renesys has focused on mapping and analyzing the structure and dynamics of regional Internet ecosystems, the interaction of regulation and competition in emerging Internet transit markets, and the derivation of Internet stability and diversity metrics. Jim received his B.S in computer science from Yale University.

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Past Event
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM