The Inspection House: An Impertinent Field Guide to Modern Surveillance
with authors Emily Horne & Tim Maly
In 1787, British philosopher and social reformer Jeremy Bentham conceived of the panopticon, a ring of cells observed by a central watchtower, as a labor-saving device for those in authority. While Bentham's design was ostensibly for a prison, he believed that any number of places that require supervision—factories, poorhouses, hospitals, and schools—would benefit from such a design. The French philosopher Michel Foucault took Bentham at his word. In his groundbreaking 1975 study, Discipline and Punish, the panopticon became a metaphor to describe the creeping effects of personalized surveillance as a means for ever-finer mechanisms of control.
Forty years later, the available tools of scrutiny, supervision, and discipline are far more capable and insidious than Foucault dreamed, and yet less effective than Bentham hoped. Shopping malls, container ports, terrorist holding cells, and social networks all bristle with cameras, sensors, and trackers. But, crucially, they are also rife with resistance and prime opportunities for revolution. The Inspection House is a tour through several of these sites—from Guantánamo Bay to the Occupy Oakland camp and the authors' own mobile devices—providing a stark, vivid portrait of our contemporary surveillance state and its opponents.
'Someone you can't see is watching you. That idea, long the stuff of feverish dystopian fantasy, is now an unremarkable statement of fact, true in most public places, and true in many that used to be private. Yet most of us being watched have no idea how this vast, casual surveillance came to be, or how it works. The Inspection House is a remedy for our collective incomprehension of the panopticon, built in our name, that we all now inhabit.
— Clay Shirky
About Emily Horne
Emily Horne lives and works in Toronto, Ontario. She is the photographer and designer for the webcomic A Softer World, and freelance edits books for kicks. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Coast and She is @birdlord on Twitter.
About Tim Maly
Tim Maly writes about design, architecture, networks and infrastructure. He is a Fellow at Harvard’s metaLAB and is big into cyborgs. His work has appeared in Wired, Medium, The Atlantic and Urban Omnibus. He is @doingitwrong on Twitter.