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Rebecca Nesson

Rebecca Nesson's homepage:

Archived Biography: Universities are great repositories of knowledge and enthusiasm about education. Yet academics are frequently dismissed as out of touch with the public. Perhaps this is because we don't make more effort to be in touch and to share what we have to offer. What's more, opening our courses to the public offers great potential for improving the experience and education of our enrolled students.

At the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School we are putting this ideology into practice on Berkman Island in the 3D virtual world of Second Life. We offer courses to enrolled students and the public at-large as well as shorter duration educational experiences, such as moot courts and moderated discussions.

I'm basically the doyenne of Berkman Island (via my avatar Rebecca Berkman -- see above...) and I'm free to imagine, plan, and execute whatever we want do. The interest and excitement is wonderful. Join us!

Learn More and Get Involved
Join Second Life (free but not open)
Go to Berkman Island
Join or read our mailing list for upcoming events info
Learn why SL is not a panacea
Learn about Croquet, which could become a panacea


E-4: Virtual Worlds - Fall 2007

Today virtual worlds like Second Life are an exciting new frontier. Second Life has a flourishing economy and millions of users doing everything from teaching and taking Harvard…

CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion - Fall 2006

This year's Cyberone will begin with empathic argument and programming from scratch, then segue immediately to projects. Projects will include furthering work already ongoing, as…

Internet & Society: The Technologies and Politics of Control - Spring 2002, Harvard Extension School

Internet & Society: The Technologies and Politics of Control - Spring 2002, Harvard Extension School


Nov 12, 2008 @ 6:00 PM

Second Life: Open Education and Virtual Worlds

Charles and Rebecca Nesson

Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson will introduce and present on Second Life in the context of Open Education.

Sep 12, 2006 @ 12:30 PM

CyberOne: Teaching and Learning in Mixed Realities

Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson

Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson discussed a new course they are teaching called "CyberOne" combining in-classroom instruction with coursework in Second Life, a 3-D…

Jan 14, 2003 @ 12:30 PM


Rebecca Nesson and Wayne Marshall

Berkman Luncheon Series: 1/14/03 - Rebecca Nesson and Wayne Marshall on Jamaica

May 1, 2000 @ 11:28 PM

Arguing the Violence Against Women Act: Two Views

A live webcast discussion featuring: Professor Charles Fried and Professor Catharine MacKinnon

Arguing the Violence Against Women Act: Two Views