Berkman Buzz, week of October 29
BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
Week of October 29, 2007
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What's going on... take your pick or browse below.
*William McGeveran on the Fox News v. McCain fair use debate.
*John Palfrey explains being "Born Digital."
*David Isenberg decides what he wants for Hanukkah.
*danah boyd looks at "social externalities" caused by innovation.
*David Weinberger on the possibility of the gPhone.
*Rebecca MacKinnon on Yahoo!'s pre-hearing moves.
*Citizen Media Law Project: Legal Threats Database; Orthomom Defamation Action; Iranian Blogger Sued in Canada.
*Weekly Global Voice: Costa Rica - Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Blog Outreach.
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The full buzz.
“The Fox News Channel has sent a cease-and-desist letter to John McCain’s presidential campaign demanding that he stop airing a new commercial because it uses footage from a recent Republican candidates’ debate sponsored by Fox News. (You can view the ad, entitled “Tied Up,” on McCain’s site here). The Fox News logo is visible in the bottom corner of the screen.”
William McGeveran, “Fox News v. McCain on Fair Use”
“For the past few years, Urs Gasser and I have been working on a book project together about a phenomenon that we have become obsessed with: how some young people, including our kids, use technologies in ways that are different that what we’ve seen before. The book is called Born Digital (Amazon seems not yet to know of Urs’ involvement; we’ll have to tell them). It’ll be out sometime in 2008, published by the good people at Basic Books.”
John Palfrey, “Born Digital”
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
Week of October 29, 2007
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What's going on... take your pick or browse below.
*William McGeveran on the Fox News v. McCain fair use debate.
*John Palfrey explains being "Born Digital."
*David Isenberg decides what he wants for Hanukkah.
*danah boyd looks at "social externalities" caused by innovation.
*David Weinberger on the possibility of the gPhone.
*Rebecca MacKinnon on Yahoo!'s pre-hearing moves.
*Citizen Media Law Project: Legal Threats Database; Orthomom Defamation Action; Iranian Blogger Sued in Canada.
*Weekly Global Voice: Costa Rica - Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Blog Outreach.
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The full buzz.
“The Fox News Channel has sent a cease-and-desist letter to John McCain’s presidential campaign demanding that he stop airing a new commercial because it uses footage from a recent Republican candidates’ debate sponsored by Fox News. (You can view the ad, entitled “Tied Up,” on McCain’s site here). The Fox News logo is visible in the bottom corner of the screen.”
William McGeveran, “Fox News v. McCain on Fair Use”
“For the past few years, Urs Gasser and I have been working on a book project together about a phenomenon that we have become obsessed with: how some young people, including our kids, use technologies in ways that are different that what we’ve seen before. The book is called Born Digital (Amazon seems not yet to know of Urs’ involvement; we’ll have to tell them). It’ll be out sometime in 2008, published by the good people at Basic Books.”
John Palfrey, “Born Digital”
“This Hanukkah, I'm asking Santa Schmanta for a Linux driven, low-power-consumption, Wi-Fi connected, Give-1-Get-1 XO Laptop by One Laptop Per Child. Only $399, and not only do I get one, but somewhere on the planet a child who can't afford a computer will get one too. How wonderful!”
David Isenberg, “What I want for Gift Giving Season”
“In business, the economic concept of "externalities" has tremendous salience. In short, an externality is a cost that a third party must bear due to the actions of others. For example, air pollution is considered an externality of manufacturing. In theory, as protectors of the public good, reasonable governments should regulate corporate externalities through imposed taxes. (In reality...) More and more, discussion of environment externalities is a core part of business.”
danah boyd, “innovation's social externalities”
“An article in the WSJ today, which they have chosen to make inaccessible to bloggers, reports that Google is talking to Verizon and Sprint about using the Google phone operating system. Money makes such strange bedfellows!”
David Weinberger, “Why Google Phone matters to me. (Or: Google and Verizon up a tree...?)”
“The Financial Times and Dow Jones report that Yahoo! is now apologizing for not telling the full truth to Congress at the February 2006 hearing where Yahoo! was taken to task for its role in the conviction of Chinese journalist Shi Tao. However Yahoo! insists that they did not intentionally misinform Congress: Rather, senior Yahoo! executives who can't read Chinese were badly briefed by local employees who do read Chinese.”
Rebecca MacKinnon, “Yahoo! apologizes ahead of Congressional grilling”
“This week, David Ardia previews our legal threats database, Colin Rhinesmith talks about a recent decision on First Amendment protections for anonymous bloggers, and Sam Bayard spotlights a defamation suit involving an Iranian blogger in Canada.”
CMLP, “Citizen Media Law Podcast #2: Legal Threats Database; Orthomom Defamation Action; Iranian Blogger Sued in Canada”
“Rising Voices, the outreach arm of Global Voices, is now accepting project proposals for the second round of microgrant funding of up to $5,000 for citizen media outreach projects. Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage of tools like blogging, video-blogging, and podcasting on their own.”
David Sasaki, “Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Blog Outreach”
David Isenberg, “What I want for Gift Giving Season”
“In business, the economic concept of "externalities" has tremendous salience. In short, an externality is a cost that a third party must bear due to the actions of others. For example, air pollution is considered an externality of manufacturing. In theory, as protectors of the public good, reasonable governments should regulate corporate externalities through imposed taxes. (In reality...) More and more, discussion of environment externalities is a core part of business.”
danah boyd, “innovation's social externalities”
“An article in the WSJ today, which they have chosen to make inaccessible to bloggers, reports that Google is talking to Verizon and Sprint about using the Google phone operating system. Money makes such strange bedfellows!”
David Weinberger, “Why Google Phone matters to me. (Or: Google and Verizon up a tree...?)”
“The Financial Times and Dow Jones report that Yahoo! is now apologizing for not telling the full truth to Congress at the February 2006 hearing where Yahoo! was taken to task for its role in the conviction of Chinese journalist Shi Tao. However Yahoo! insists that they did not intentionally misinform Congress: Rather, senior Yahoo! executives who can't read Chinese were badly briefed by local employees who do read Chinese.”
Rebecca MacKinnon, “Yahoo! apologizes ahead of Congressional grilling”
“This week, David Ardia previews our legal threats database, Colin Rhinesmith talks about a recent decision on First Amendment protections for anonymous bloggers, and Sam Bayard spotlights a defamation suit involving an Iranian blogger in Canada.”
CMLP, “Citizen Media Law Podcast #2: Legal Threats Database; Orthomom Defamation Action; Iranian Blogger Sued in Canada”
“Rising Voices, the outreach arm of Global Voices, is now accepting project proposals for the second round of microgrant funding of up to $5,000 for citizen media outreach projects. Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage of tools like blogging, video-blogging, and podcasting on their own.”
David Sasaki, “Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Blog Outreach”