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Ruby on Rails Workshop for Women

Ruby on Rails Workshop for Women

Via the Berkman Gender and Tech blog:

The Berkman Center at Harvard University in coordination with the Center for Research on Computation and Society is putting together a Ruby on Rails workshop for women on October 16th and 17th.

We are seeking to create an attitude-free, newbie-safe and mama- friendly tech event to encourage women to join the Ruby on Rails community.  This is an inclusive event meant to promote mixed gender collaboration.

Women are a minority in most technical communities, but in open source communities the numbers are even smaller — by a factor of about ten or more. Moving forward, we would like to encourage our newly empowered programmers to meet monthly and use their skills towards open source projects in a welcoming, collaborative environment.

Friday October 16th – Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School
6-9pm (REQUIRED): software install fest

Saturday October 17th – Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School
9:30am-4pm: workshop
5pm: after-party for volunteers & attendees, location TBA

Webcast: rtsp:// (Open this URL in Quicktime during the time that the workshop is taking place)

In-home childcare is being provided by Parents in a Pinch.  There is no location on-site available for children.  You must contact Parents in a Pinch to arrange a caregiver to come to your home.  Read more here

Wanna help?
Interested in being a TA or helping out with the workshop? Read more here
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Read more here

Wanna Register?
Fill out the wufoo form to register!



Past Event
Friday, October 16, 2009 - Saturday, October 17, 2009
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM