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Radio Berkman 223: Fiber City

Radio Berkman 223: Fiber City

Why are over 450 towns in the US building their own high speed Internet networks?

Let's look at the example of the small town of Holyoke, Massachusetts.

A few years back the town's mayor asked if the local cable or telephone companies wanted to build a fiber network to serve local schools and municipal buildings. The companies declined. The project was turned over to the local gas and electric utility, HG&E. Eighteen years later, HG&E have expanded this network to serve local businesses, and even other towns in the area. And it turns out this investment has more than paid for itself.

On this week's episode we talk about what happens when municipal utilities and companies compete to provide local Internet services.

Read the report: Holyoke: A Massachusetts Municipal Light Plant Seizes Internet Access Business Opportunities.

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