Chun-Hao Kuo is a Prosecutor in New Taipei District Prosecutors Office of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan, who has been investigating and prosecuting a variety of criminal cases, especially focus on corruption and organized crime. Chun-Hao has been assigned to handle organized crime cases since he became a prosecutor in 2007. During 2010-2012, he was working on his master thesis Witness Immunity in Criminal Proceeding: Some Lessons from the United States, and learned that in order to fight against the organized crime, the district attorneys of the United States are empowered to grant immunity to a witness in exchange for testimony. He also learned how efficient and effective a district attorney could prosecute organized crime cases by adopting The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Recently, Chun-Hao noticed that organized criminal groups are gradually moving from traditional criminal activities to more rewarding, more efficient, less risky, and totally anonymous operations in cyberspace. In order to strengthen the current legal frameworks of Taiwan, especially in detecting, investigating and preventing e-crimes committed by organized criminal groups, Chun-Hao will research the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), and how international law and Taiwans domestic law interact, especially in the field of cybercrime.