VRM Workshop 2008

From Project VRM
Revision as of 09:57, 3 June 2008 by Dsearls (talk | contribs)
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The first ProjectVRM Workshop (tag pvrmw2008a) will be hosted by ProjectVRM and the Berkman Center, here at Harvard University, on July 9-10 or 14-15. We currently have both open, and will decide on one or the other ASAP. (Writing this on June 3 - DS.)

We're thinking of calling it "Relacon", in the model of Bloggercon, the first of which was conducted by Dave Winer here at Harvard, in 2003. It was a good model for many unconferences that followed, incluidng the IIW -- Internet Identity Workshop, an outstanding and highly productive workshop that has been happening twice a year since Fall 2005. VRM was a big topic at the last one, and perhaps the next one too. This VRM workshop is posed as the first at which the VRM conversation finally breaks off on its own from incubation at the IIWs.

The main purpose of the workshop is to work on development: moving code forward, and bringing existing code together. Also for the various committees to get together in physical space to move their work forward as well.

There won't be a cost to the event, but our budget is minimal, so basically what we'll be doing is making use of a small block Harvard classrooms at a time when school is out of session.

If you can come, please add your name to the attendee list. If working with a wiki is daunting for you (as it is for most people), please send me your name and I'll add it to the list. My email: dsearls AT cyber.law.harvard.edu

- Doc Searls

Attendee List:

Doc Searls
Adriana Lukas
Bart Stevens
Charles Andres
Dean Landsman
Iain Henderson
Joe Andrieu
J. Trent Adams
Adrian Gropper
Kaliya Hamlin, Identity Woman
Daniel Jalkut