Compliance and Computation Overview
The Berkman Klein Center and the Media Lab organized a 2017/2018 seminar at Harvard Law School on "Compliance and Computation." Taught by BKC Fellow John DeLong, this seminar examines the role of AI both as a solution and challenge for large institutions grappling with complex compliance standards.
About This Class: The number of companies whose core business models are based, in whole or in part, on machine learning or AI algorithms is already significant and will increase significantly in the coming years. How can a compliance officer put in place a system of compliance protections in such a rapidly developing and highly technical environment? What is the role of the law and of lawyers in a machine learning/AI world?
Example of a Case Study: An example for the type of problems discussed in the class is the fictional, but realistic case study. Find the complete case here and answer the three questions in our survey (optional).
Sample Readings:
Jonathan Zittrain, Openness and Oversight of Artificial Intelligence, Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University (January 11, 2017)
David Marcos, How a Bill Becomes a Bit: Engineering Compliance (May 2015)
Dr. Guruduth Banavar, Learning to Trust Artificial Intelligence Systems: Accountability, Compliance, and Ethics in the Age of Smart Machines (2016)
David C. Vladeck, Machines without Principals: Liability Rules and Artificial Intelligence 89 Washington Law Review 117 (2014)