JuryX Workshop — Winter 2017
Professor Nesson
The class will consider campus issues of law, race, class and gender. You will explore the concept of jury in both theory and practice. You will learn about the jury in political theory and history. You will engage as co-learners in small-group deliberations, real and virtual, synchronous and asynchronous. You will gain hands-on experience of persuading and being persuaded. You will learn about your self and your jury in relation to others. You will be stimulated to explore who you are.
We begin by deliberating several historical legal cases. These are warm-ups for deliberating major issues that we face in our place and time.
Students will write a paper (1500 words) and an exam essay (500 words), both due at the end of the exam period.
For more details about this course, see the Harvard Law School Course Catalog.