GNI/Role of Intermediaries
Though celebrated for its open and generative qualities, the internet is not free of regulation. Increasingly, governments are using companies as intermediaries for their own regulative agendas. These governments force companies to limit free speech by monitoring and filtering online practices, often unbeknownst to internet users.
The Global Network Initiative is a collection of companies, academics and academic institutions that strives to help companies protect online freedom of expression and privacy through policy considerations, and to educate the world about the growing problem of internet regulation.
This session will elucidate some of the problems faced by intermediaries while pointing to the potential solutions represented by the GNI.
Relevant Models
Recommended Readings
- John Palfrey, "Reluctant Gatekeepers: Corporate Ethics on the Internet"
- Ethan Zuckerman, "Intermediary Censorship," (Cambridge: MIT Press) 2010.
Background Readings
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