Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates
Impacts of new tech in the workplace
Ifeoma Ajunwa
Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future
Taking an exclusively technical view of urban life will lead to cities that appear smart but under the surface are rife with injustice and inequality
Ben Green
The present and future regulation of cryptocurrency
Patrick Murck
Emerging AI and security clearance at the Department of Defense
John Bowers
Is it possible for AI to completely eliminate human bias in the hiring process? Ifeoma Ajunwa doesn't think so.
Identity and the dichotomy between real and fake on Instagram
Andres Lombana-Bermudez
Sandra Cortesi
Alexa Hasse
Sonia Kim
In some instances, automated decision-making has served to replicate and amplify bias.
How the government, or regulators, can start thinking about privacy and the data economy
Yasodara Córdova
Expanding the library's role in the digital world
Adam Ziegler
Australia asks social media platforms to take responsibility
Susan Benesch
Leveraging expertise to understand social media's role in gang activity
Desmond Patton
Ethan Zuckerman discusses the opportunities and consequences of participatory media.
Ethan Zuckerman
The Library Innovation Lab launches a new interface to search data made available as part of the Caselaw Access Project
L. Kelly Fitzpatrick
Data should become an enabler of new models of cooperative growth
Padmashree Gehl Sampath
Lorrayne Porciuncula
On the consequences of ‘new manufacturing’ for European industrial policymaking
On the intersection of social media, ethics, and human rights
Just ask Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos
Five tips to secure your phone - it might not keep a foreign country determined to strike away, but it will strengthen your security.
David O'Brien
An unsolicited picture shared over Apple's AirDrop leads to questions over how the technology is governed.
Nathan Freitas
Dismantling inequality in AI with marginalized voices in leadership
Sabelo Mhlambi
Leveraging social media platforms to combat coordinated inauthentic behavior online
John Kelly