In the not-so-distant future, we will be presented with the version of the news we wish to read -- not the news that some reporter, columnist or editorial board decides we need to…
In this Wired op-ed, David Weinberger discusses the implications around maximizing the benefits of machine learning without sacrificing its intelligence. A longer version of the…
Urs Gasser, executive director of the Berkman Klein Center and Professor at Harvard Law School shares his reflections on Conectados al Sur: Costa Rica.
Seeking to unravel what is behind a change in public sentiment towards the internet, this series begins with intersecting dimensions in what is lazily often presented as ‘The…
In this article, the authors propose suggestions to contribute to the development of guidelines which provide the strongest protections for data subjects.
This series published by Christian computer scientists J. Nathan Matias, Lydia Manikonda, Scott Hale, and Kenneth Arnold introduces questions for Christians about AI and its role…
In the United States, the copyright law mechanism most likely to facilitate machine learning’s uses of protected data is the fair use doctrine. However, current fair use doctrine…
"A boy sits with his dog at the edge of a beautiful and serene lake. Under the blue sky, the far shore is visible, with a short wide beach and green woods behind it. The boy wears…