Susan Landau, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University & CRCS
Building surveillance into communications infrastructures? Law enforcement claims it needs wiretaps in order to secure us, but the biggest long-term national-security threat is…
Media scholar/activist Sasha Costanza-Chock will discuss Transmedia Mobilization: "Don't ask 'is teh internets + or - for social movements?', look @ what movements r doing 2…
Based on unique survey data of a diverse group or young adults with unusually high representation of racial and ethnic minorities from Spring 2009, Eszter Hargittai and Aaron Shaw…
The annual Students for Free Culture conference brings student leaders into conversation with each other as well as creators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, scholars, and educators…
The "Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group" is a forum for fellows and affiliates of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT, Yale Law School Information Society…
Dorothea Kleine, Lecturer at the UNESCO Chair/Centre in ICT4D, Royal Holloway, University of London
Recognising that ICTs are powerful tools shaping people’s everyday lives, practitioners, policy-makers and academics in the ICT for development (ICT4D) field engage with these…
What would make cloud computing truly free and open? Andy Oram of O'Reilly Media explains an architecture that melds the cloud with free software. This event will be webcast live…
This month's cyberscholars will feature Brian Kernighan on "What Should an Educated Person Know about Computers?"; Yanni Loukissas on "Visualizing Human Presence Tools for the…
Ethan Zuckerman, Hal Roberts, and Jillian C. York will discuss the recently released Berkman Center report on "Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Against Independent Media and…
Stanford Law School and Harvard Law School are pleased to invite you to a special reception and event on the Stanford campus, featuring four TED-style talks drawn from the…
Tim Wu presents his widely acclaimed new book THE MASTER SWITCH: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires. This event will be webcast live at 12:15PM ET today.
In this talk, The Echo Nest CEO Jim Lucchese will discuss the specific needs and vast potential of the growing music app development community, citing plenty of examples of new…
Driven by the proliferation of accessible music- and video-production software and the connective possibilities of the social web, public culture is being remade in the wake of …
Drawing from the experience of the elmcity case study, John Udell will explore what these Fourth R principles are, why they're hard for most people to understand, how we can teach…
Mica Pollock, Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education; The OneVille Project
Mica Pollock, an anthropologist of education and Somerville parent, will share her early thoughts on the OneVille effort to understand and improve a city’s ecosystem of…