Much enthusiasm surrounds the opportunities made available by digital media for people to express themselves and participate in the public sphere without having to go through…
The Open Video Conference will bring together video creators, technologists, academics, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, activists, remixers, and many others. to discuss the growing…
The Internet & Democracy presents the Berkman Center's new research on the Arabic blogosphere, which analyzes over 10,000 blogs from 18 countries and which follows last year's …
with Berkman Fellows Doc Searls and David Weinberger, and Berkman faculty co-director Jonathan Zittrain
On the tenth anniversary of The Cluetrain Manifesto, how's all that freedom, that cyberutopianism, that Internet exceptionalism working out for you? Harvard Law professor and co…
Beth Kolko will present an examination of what are essentially fictional definitions (what is "the Internet," "an Internet user," a "mobile phone") and discusses how the same…
In his lunchtime talk, Lewis Hyde will trace the roots of the second enclosure (it goes back at least to the invention of printing); he will describe traditional forms of…
Since 2006, the annual Beyond Broadcast conference has explored the evolution of participatory digital public media. This year's conference, titled "Public Service Media from…
Drawing on the Global Voices project as an exemplar, Lokman Tsui will argue that we need to move beyond objectivity towards "hospitality" in pursuing the potential of journalism…
Cloud computing leaves users vulnerable to significant invasions of privacy by the government, resulting in the evisceration of traditional Fourth Amendment protections. Chris…
Information Superhighway is Boston's monthly party gathering hackers, activists, artists, designers, nonprofits, startups, academics and general geekery to hang out and connect…
Aaron Shaw - Polanyi's Penguin? Commons-Based Industry in the Neoliberal Knowledge Economy; Colleen Kaman - The World in the Network; Rasmus Kleis Nielsen - Mundane Tools and…
Gene Koo, Berkman Fellow, & Scott C. Seider, Boston University
Video games -- whether "casual" or "hardcore," single- or multi-player, mainstream or independent -- have become a powerful cultural force. Researchers have extensively…
David Bollier, Author of "Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own"
David Bollier will discuss the rise of the commons paradigm in the digital environment, the subject of his new book, "Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of…
Although the Obama administration is often praised in comparison for its mastery of such many-to-many computational media, Elizabeth Losh poses that its use of proprietary third…
Stephen Wolfram, creator of Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, & Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
There's been great anticipation around Stephen Wolfram's ambitious project to create a comprehensive "computational knowledge engine." The Berkman Center is hosting a sneak…
Russ Neuman will trace the flow of information and entertainment into the typical American home from 1960 to 2005 in search of a theory of media evolution.
John Durham Peters, University of Iowa, will present his paper on "Whatever happened to loneliness? Social thought about communication, 1959/2009", what is new in the media…
Professor Richard Susskind, Author of "The End of Lawyers?" and IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England
Professor Richard Susskind predicts that the legal profession will be driven by two forces in the coming decade: by a market pull towards the commoditization of legal services,…