One of the few areas of agreement among observers of the news environment is that there is much more change to come. In this session we’ll discuss scenarios that illustrate…
Berkman’s Media Re:public project, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, is undertaking an assessment of the state of the field of participatory media…
Ashish Jha, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard Medical School
Policy makers have increasingly turned to "public report cards" where doctors and hospitals are graded on the quality of care they provide and this information is made available…
Lisa Stone discussed how U.S. presidential candidates and household brands have helped, and hurt, themselves by failing to understand what many women online increasingly demand.
Catherine Candee is the Executive Director, Strategic Publishing and Broadcast Initiatives at the University of California - Office of the President.
Catherine Candee discussed how the commercialization of scholarly publishing has stimulated a crisis threatening to compromise the very mission of universities.
Alexander Heffner discussed, a non-partisan student publication offering coverage of the 2008 presidential election through a nation of student journalists.
Jesse Dylan, the director behind’s Yes We Can video, and Rob Holzer, CEO of Syrup NYC, discussed their attempt to build an internet based movement.
Clay Shirky joined an intimate group at the Berkman Center for a deep dive discussion on one chapter of his book, which deals with protest culture -- ad hoc vs institutional, and…
Lewis Hyde, Berkman Fellow, spoke on "The Pros and Cons of an 'Educational Fair Use' Project" and how fiar use can be reclaimed as an expressive right.
The Berkman Center's Internet & Democracy Projected hosted an event on "Digitally-Empowered Activists: Getting the Tools to the People Who Need Them," in Istanbul, Turkey.