Donnie Dong will present some new developments about China’s IP (Intellectual Property), IG (Internet Governance) and IB (Internet Business), then discuss a possible perspective…
Aneesh Chopra: United States CTO; Ann Margulies: CIO, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Teri Takai: CIO, State of CaliforniaEvent Moderator: Jerry Mechling: Lecturer in Public Policy, HKS
The Berkman Center will co-sponsor a panel discussion with the Harvard Institute of Politics with chief technology officers and information officers from the White House, State of…
Scientific research has so far shown significant resistance to adopting the kinds of "generative" effects we've seen in networks and culture. Most of the resistance is systemic -…
Rebecca Bliege Bird will discuss the question "Why do Martu women hunt cooperatively when they don't seem to benefit economically from doing so?" and suggests that demonstrating a…
In this talk, Karrie will discuss the presentation of relationships in social media, how we infer relationships from this presentation, and how we can predict relationship…
Lawrence Lessig, the foundational voice of the free culture movement, will deliver a talk on fair use and politics from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Tal will discuss the Phish-Market protocol, which enables companies with less comprehensive feeds to learn about websites impersonating their own clients that are held by other…
Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
The Harvard Alumni Association and the Berkman Center invite you to join Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School Professor and Co-Founder of the Berkman Center, for an evening of…
Research shows that peoples’ facial appearance influences impressions of their honesty and judgments of their culpability, effects that have been shown to bias decisions in the…
Jure Leskovec, assistant professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
Jure will discuss his analysis of approximately 1.6 million mainstream media sites and blogs for a period of three months, covering about 1 million articles per day.
This conference seeks to lay the groundwork – conceptual and strategic – to build bridges between the A2K and human rights communities pursuing common goals of promoting greater…
Drawing on her experiences working for 2 years in rural parts of Kentucky and in small towns along its borders, Mary will map out how lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning…
Richard Sosis, director of the Evolution, Cognition, and Culture Program at the University of Connecticut
Researchers from diverse disciplines have suggested that rituals and other religious behaviors serve as signals of an individual's commitment to a religious group, and some have…
With the Internet woven into the fabric of all governmental activities, it's not surprising to find many international espionage agencies shadowing targets online and performing…
Berkman Fellow Fernando Bermejo, Yale Information Society Project Fellow Christopher Wong, and PhD Student at the MIT Media Lab Andrés Monroy-Hernández
The next cyberscholar working group will take place at MIT and will feature discussions on "How Do We Know What We Know about the Internet? The State of Online Measurement", "Lost…
Joe Karaganis will discuss findings from a forthcoming six-country study of media piracy, including work on Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa. The study provides a…