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Salomé is an Assistant Professor of Law at Michigan Law School, where she teaches and writes about contracts, privacy, commercial surveillance and data governance. 

Salomé works on the law and political economy of data and AI and the role of law in structuring digital life. She is especially interested in platform power, how information law structures inequality, and how law theorizes data about people (i.e. ‘social data’). Some of her recent and forthcoming work develops a theory of affirmative, socially beneficial uses of social data, and examines the role of public agencies in gathering, governing, and using social data as a form of public governance. Other recent and forthcoming work considers under what kinds of conditions the datafication of social life is morally or legally wrongful. Broadly, she is interested in what legal status social data enjoys, what kinds of legal interests social data production and use implicates, and how the law does (and should) regulate the digital economy.

Projects & Tools


Privacy Initiatives

The Berkman Klein Center has long been home to a number of cross-disciplinary initiatives that investigate privacy and privacy-relevant questions in the digitally networked…


Apr 10, 2019

The Law and the Digital World

The AGTech Forum at Harvard Law gives state attorneys general a place to learn about technological changes and strategize about how the law can keep up

Insight for Attorney Generals into privacy and emerging technologies


LPE Project

Seven Reactions to Biden's Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence

On the Law and Political Economy Project blog, Salomé Viljoen, Ifeoma Ajunwa, and Elettra Bietti are among a group of scholars who provide initial reactions to President Biden's…

Dec 4, 2023
LPE Project

Towards a Legal Understanding of Social Data

BKC Faculty Associate Salomé Viljoen and collaborator Amanda Parsons, explain why current laws are not well equipped to confront problems generated by the rise of informational…

Oct 9, 2023

Privacy Versus Health Is a False Trade-Off

As tech firms team up with governments to fight the coronavirus pandemic, we’re being asked to accept a trade-off between our digital privacy and our health. It’s a false choice,…

Apr 17, 2020
UNI Global Union

Connective Action: Digital Tools for Trade Unions

Report highlights tools that can boost union outreach to members

Aug 16, 2019

Announcing Assembly: Disinformation

New program explores disinformation in the digital public sphere from a cybersecurity perspective

Aug 14, 2019
Morning Consult

In Data-Driven World, Consumers Likely to Overestimate Their Information’s Value

Disparity between what people think data is worth, what industry pays for it poses challenge to tech equity talks

Jun 3, 2019

What Do We Owe to the Internet’s “First Responders?”

Experts share perspectives on the ethics and legality of how social platforms moderate content

Until AI catches up, tens of thousands of human content moderators all around the world will continue to ingest thousands of posts of potentially toxic posts on social media,…

Apr 17, 2019

Law and Adversarial Machine Learning

A survey of existing legal remedies for attacks that have been demonstrated on machine learning systems, and suggests some potential areas of exploration for machine learning…

Dec 20, 2018

Law and Adversarial Machine Learning

When machine learning systems fail because of adversarial manipulation, how should society expect the law to respond?

Oct 26, 2018


May 7, 2019 @ 12:00 PM


Featuring members of the BKC Community

PODCAST & VIDEO: Berkman Klein community members will share their research, passions, and musings in 5 minute Ignite talks. These topics may range from misinformation online to…

Apr 12, 2019 @ 3:00 PM

The Cleaners

Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Told in the sinister style of a neon, cyberpunk thriller, The Cleaners charts social media’s evolution from a shared vision of a global village to a dangerous web of fake news,…

Apr 17, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

Honoring All Expertise: Social Responsibility and Ethics in Tech

featuring Kathy Pham & Friends from the Berkman Klein Community

Learn more about social responsibility and ethics in tech from cross functional perspectives featuring social scientists, computer scientists, historians, lawyers, political…