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Our community includes a vibrant and diverse network of faculty, staff, fellows, students, and practitioners representing a wide range of backgrounds, philosophies, and disciplines. For press and media inquiries reach out to us at For all other inquiries write to

Chun-Hao Kuo

Chun-Hao Kuo is a Prosecutor in New Taipei District Prosecutors Office of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan, who has been investigating and…

Laura Kurgan

Laura Kurgan is Associate Professor of Architecture at Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation, and Planning at Columbia University, where she…

David Kusek

Archived Biography: David Kusek is a musician who has been inventing the future of music for the past twenty-five years. He was one of the first to…

Maciej Kuziemski

Maciej is a policy entrepreneur and strategist interested in the politics of technology, sustainability transitions and civic empowerment. He is…

Elena Kvochko

Elena Kvochko is the head of global information security strategy and implementation at Barclays.

Karim R. Lakhani

Karim R. Lakhani is a Berkman Center faculty associate and an Assistant Professor in the Technology and Operations Management Unit at Harvard…

Pushpa Kumar Lakshmanan

Pushpa is an Assistant Professor at the Law Centre-I, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, and his primary focus is on Nagoya Protocol on Access and…

Reuben Langevin

Reuben Langevin managed Program Operations and Events for the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.

Laura Larke

 Dr. Laura Larke is a qualitative researcher and social theorist interested in equity and power in K-12 computer science education.

David Larochelle

David Larochelle joined the Berkman Center in the fall of 2008 as Lead Engineer for Media Cloud.

Catalina Laserna

Catalina Laserna’s primary research field is the study of culture, media and learning. For the last 15 years she has been researching the ways in…

Adriana Lasso-Harrier

Adriana Lasso-Harrier is an urban planner and researcher on the public spaces that we spend our time in - both in cities and online.

Barbara Lauriat

Barbara Lauriat is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, and for 2020-2021 she is a ND-TEC Fellow at the…

Liana Leahy

Liana joined in the Fall of 2006 as a Senior Software Engineer.

Travis LeBlanc

Travis is a partner at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP in Washington, D.C. and Palo Alto.

Seongmin Lee

Seongmin Lee

Ashley Lee

Ashley Lee is a scholar of tech, politics, and social movements. Her research examines the implications of technology design and use for democracy…

Amanda Lenhart

Amanda Lenhart is Associate Director, Research at the Pew Research Center, where she directs research on young adults, teens, children and families…

Jack Lerner

Jack was Research Fellow at the Berkman Center, where he worked to develop a nonprofit digital music distribution system modeled after proposals to…

Gina Leslie

Gina is Berkman's Financial/Administrative Associate, providing financial and administrative support for the Center, and administrative support for…

Nathaniel Levy

As a Project Manager at the Berkman Center, Nathaniel works on several initiatives cutting across the themes of education, youth, and innovation.

Dustin Lewis

Dustin A. Lewis is a Senior Researcher at the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict (PILAC). He is also an affiliate at…

Kevin Lewis

Kevin Lewis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at UC San Diego. His research focuses on the formation and evolution of social…

William Li

William Li is a Ph.D. candidate at MIT in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). At Berkman, he will develop data…

Isaac Lidsky

A long-time Filter reader and Berkman Center admirer, Isaac attended BCIS's ILAW 2001 conference in July of 2001 where he solidified his interest in…

Raizel Liebler

Raizel Liebler is the Head of Faculty Scholarship Initiatives at John Marshall Law School, where she leads initiatives regarding to scholarly…

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf is at the New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Information, Operations and Management…

Eric Liftin

Eric Liftin was a fellow of the Berkman Center

Tiffany Lin

Tiffany Lin was a Research Associate at the Berkman Klein Center supporting research and project activities for cybersecurity and access to data.

Susie Lindsay

Susie Lindsay is currently regulatory counsel at Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. in Toronto - where she practices broadcasting, telecommunications and…

David Lindsay

David F. Lindsay, an associate professor at Monash Law School, Australia, will focus his research on building better understanding of public rights…

Ching-Yi Liu

Ching-Yi Liu is a Professor of law at National Taiwan University and Principal Investigator of Taiwan's National E-Learning and Digital Archives…

Shelley Liu

Shelley was a project lead and system architect for the Internet Robustness project.

Finbarr Livesey

Archived Biography: Finbarr Livesey joined the IfM in October of 2002. Since joining, he has assisted in the development of and is now the Director…

Sonia Livingstone

Sonia Livingstone is Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Media and Communications at LSE, where she teaches master's courses in media and…

Renee Lloyd

Renee Lloyd is a Fellow in the Clinical Program at the Berkman Center.

Joy A. Lo

Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and Chief of Staff at HR&A Advisors

Wayne Lo

Wayne (Wei-Yuan) Lo is currently a Taiwanese public prosecutor at Taipei District Prosecutors Office and has been a prosecutor for 11 years.

Maria Löblich

Maria Löblich is Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Science and Media Research at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich in Germany…

Ned Locke

Ned Locke

Taylor Lorenz

Taylor Lorenz is a journalist writing about the ways technology affects how people communicate and connect.

James Losey

James has five years experience in public policy and over ten years researching the intersection of information, technology and power. He is a PhD…

Yanni Alexander Loukissas

Yanni Alexander Loukissas is an Assistant Professor of Digital Media in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech.

Matt Lovell

Matt Lovell was a Clinical Fellow and Assistant Director of the Clinical Program at the Berkman Center.

Andrew Lowenthal

Andrew Lowenthal is Co-Founder and Executive Director of EngageMedia, an Asia-Pacific human rights and environmental video project begun in 2005.

Xinlei Lu

Xinlei Lu is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Journalism at Fudan University, Shanghai and is studying how cyber-technology has been employed to…

Jerry Lu

Jerry Lu is currently a public prosecutor at Taipei District Prosecutors Office in Taiwan.

Jim Lucchese

Jim Lucchese advises early-stage music and media technology companies.

Oumou Ly

Oumou Ly was a staff fellow at the Berkman Klein Center working on the Assembly: Disinformation Program.