David Weinberger, Berkman Center and Harvard Law School Library Lab
David Weinberger discusses his new book, "Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is…
Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and TEDxSF are pleased to invite you to a special event and reception on the Stanford campus,…
The explosion of open education content resources and freely available collaboration and media production platforms represents one of the most exciting emerging trends in…
Alison J. Head, Berkman Center & Library Innovation Lab Fellow
What is it like to be a college student in the digital age? In this talk, Alison Head presents a working typology of the undergraduate information-seeking process, including…
The staff of the Online Media Legal Network (OMLN) will discuss the history and growth of the project, the accumulated data regarding the nature and geographic distribution of…
This month's installment will include a presentation on "Murray Turoff and the Evolution of Computer Mediated Communication" from Ramesh Subramanian is the Gabriel Ferrucci…
Jeff Jarvis, blogger, professor, and best-selling author
Jeff Jarvis, a visionary and optimistic thinker, examines the tension between privacy and publicness that is transforming how we form communities, create identities, do business,…
Civic education is the cultivation of knowledge and traits that sustain democratic self-governance. The broad agreement that civic education is important disintegrates under close…
Tuesday, November 29, 12:30 pm Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, Second Floor OpenCourt aims to create a model for judicial transparency in the U.S as envisioned by our…
In the context of multiple crises – ecological, political, financial and geopolitical restructuring – large mobilizations are taking place in several countries.
In the Spanish…
John Palfrey, Berkman Center Faculty Co-Director and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School + Special Guests
Entrepreneurs, corporate managers and nonprofit administrators should look at intellectual property as a key strategic asset. In his new book, “Intellectual Property Strategy” …
The physical city is covered with an increasing number of layers of digital information. At the same time, there is a significant trend towards incorporating location data into…
As an established entrepreneur and social innovator, John Williams offers a number of lessons learned over the course of his 32+ year career. How do organizations – both for…
When web-based interfaces aren’t accessible for people with disabilities, the result is pricing discrimination, employment discrimination, societal exclusion, and lawsuits…
The growth of the global Internet is still determined, in large part, by local factors: geography, politics, and the economics of interconnection and competition. We'll examine…
A conversation between Lawrence Lessig and David Gergen
Professor David Gergen, Director of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership converses with Professor Lawrence Lessig about his new book, "Republic, Lost: How…
Michael Nielsen, author and an advocate of open science
Why have scientists been so conservative in how they use the net, what is society missing out on because of this conservativism, and how can we move to a more open scientific…
Co-produced by the Citizen Media Law Project at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Kennesaw State's Center for Sustainable Journalism, Media Law in the Digital…